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Pharmacy The Way It Should Be

Serving Northwest Florida & Alabama

Reaffirming the Pharmacist-Patient Relationship

I.V. Stat, Inc. offers a personal approach to pharmacy services that contrasts the “fast food” approach of chain stores. Everyone deserves a pharmacy that serves their needs, builds relationships with them, and helps manage medications. That’s what we do. We are re-establishing the close bond that should exist between the pharmacist, all members of the healthcare team and the patient, and improving the industry in the process. Managing medications is our focus, making us an ideal fit for those facilities, providers, caregivers and individuals that want an extra layer of customer service.

patient with pharmacist

Experience Our Boutique, Personal, and No-Stress Environment

We operate differently than other pharmacies. For instance, we take the comfort and privacy of our outpatients seriously by adopting an appointment-based approach. We foster a welcoming and relaxing environment, enabling us to forge relationships with our clients. This boutique-style environment means no more long lines or impersonal customer service. Adhering to your doctor’s medication plan has never been so easy.

Vaccinate Your Staff All at Once

I.V. Stat, Inc. is a boutique pharmacy offering various services, including immunizations against influenza, pneumonia, and shingles. Our services are ideal for businesses wishing to vaccinate employees, assisted living facilities, group homes, prisons, and any client with special packaging needs to improve medication adherence.

533 Eglin Pkwy NE, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547, USA